Freedom Battle Buddies of Color

46. Crystal Ellington: Diversity Is Key/Be Seen and Heard

May 11, 2023 Dr. Ann James

In her desire to carry-on her family  legacy of military service, Crystal decided to join the military. She saw it not only as a way to pass on a legacy of service to her son, but it also provided her the opportunity to realize her full potential. In an male dominated occupation, Crystal served as a helicopter mechanic in the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment.

Upon transitioning as a combat veteran, Crystal leverages her time in the military to ensure that those that have served or still serving, have a voice and a safe space. 

As  the CEO of GenOnyx Consulting and a fellow in the George W. Bush Presidential Center Stand-To Veterans Leadership Program, Crystal has been recognized as someone who is passionate about speaking up for those who have historically been disenfranchised, systematically excluded and institutionally oppressed. 

Currently, Crystal serves  as an executive board member for her local American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

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